November 20th, 2019: Maho Kawachi

November 20th, 2019: Maho Kawachi

One Step At A Time

When the world gets confused, our mind can also easily be swayed away. Political, economic, and environmental storms can make our minds begin to swirl. How do we navigate our lives under this enormous momentum? One step at a time… Let’s contemplate the basic practice we can do.

The cost for this talk is $10 for the General Public and $20 for Patrons who wish to pay-it-forward. We ask that Groups and Meditation Centers to please pay within the $40-$60 range.

Because we are committed to making this talk accessible to all, there is also a 25% discount option. To request this discount or a further scholarship, write to [email protected].


7:00pm ET - Welcome & guided meditation

7:25pm ET - Dharma talk

7:55pm ET - Q&A with teacher

8:10pm ET - Announcements

Join live or watch later. When you register for a talk, you’ll receive:

+ A link to view the event live

+ Access to view the archived video after the live event concludes

Maho was born in Tokyo, Japan. She lived in the center of Tokyo whole her life until she landed in Columbus, Ohio as a grad school student. That was her first taste of the United States of America, and she still remembers the first day she spent in an apartment in a “burb.” After she relocated herself to NYC, she found herself longing for something she could hold onto. Luckily, she found Buddhism. She works for a Japanese newspaper as a staff correspondent and covers a wide range of topics from business to social issues.

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November 20th, 2019: Maho Kawachi
  • November 20, 2019: Maho Kawachi

    When the world gets confused, our mind can also easily be swayed away. Political, economic, and environmental storms can make our minds begin to swirl. How do we navigate our lives under this enormous momentum? One step at a time… Let’s contemplate the basic practice we can do.