Recorded Talk: Sheena Brockington-Taylor (3.17.21)

Recorded Talk: Sheena Brockington-Taylor (3.17.21)

The Heart is Talking

An exploration of the beauty and practice of compassion.

Sheena Brockington-Taylor (she/her/hers) is a Baltimore-based marketing consultant for health, wellness, and lifestyle brands and growth product manager of Weekly Dharma Gathering. She is also a restorative yoga teacher, meditation teacher, and mindful leadership facilitator exploring the intersection of women’s leadership and wellness. She previously served on Mind Oasis’ board of directors as VP of Outreach and Advancement.

Sheena recently completed her 200-hour yoga teacher training and is currently completing coursework in Embodied Leadership with Strozzi Institute. She previously studied meditation and mindfulness with Mind Oasis (300-Hour Teacher Training), Sura Flow, the School of Positive Transformation, Mindful Leader, the Institute for Mindful Leadership, and international yoga and meditation leader Faith Hunter.

Sheena believes meditation offers a pathway to a deeper understanding of self and the world around you. Her practice and offerings are rooted in self-love, finding and embracing stillness, liberation, leadership, and community compassion.

When she’s off the cushion and out of the office, Sheena enjoys restorative yoga, sips of champagne, redecorating corners of her house, playing with her dogs, and volunteering.

Recorded Talk: Sheena Brockington-Taylor (3.17.21)