Recorded Talk: David Perrin—October 28th, 2020

Recorded Talk: David Perrin—October 28th, 2020

Practicing Impermanence

Impermanence might seem obvious - everything changes - however we aren’t fully comfortable with it. Sure it’s nice when painful situations pass, but what happens when we lose what we love, cherish, and don’t want to go away? Paying attention to the little moments of impermanence is a step-by-step study in what it means for things to be changing. Constantly.

David Perrin (he/him) is a meditation teacher, mentor, and creative arts therapist. For over two decades he has practiced and studied in the Shambhala tradition. In addition to teaching in Shambhala, David has served as MNDFL Head Teacher and Director of MNDFL Teacher Training collaborating with Senior Advisor Reverend angel Kyodo williams, as well as cofounder of MNDFL ED schools-based program. He is a member of the Presence Collective, a group dedicated to personal transformation, social justice, and collective liberation. He has co-taught Radical.Roots, a deep practitioner training with Megan Mook, and has taught with Weekly Dharma Gathering, an online meditation community. David has led meditation throughout New York City at schools, corporations, and nonprofits. Learn more at

Recorded Talk: David Perrin—October 28th, 2020