Recorded Talk: Ashley Dinges (3.24.21)

Recorded Talk: Ashley Dinges (3.24.21)

Radiating Confidence

Developing and working with self-confidence is foundational to walking the bodhisattva path of care and compassion for others. When faced with unrelentingly chaotic world that often seeks to undermine our confidence, how can we practice relating to our own wisdom and wakefulness?

Ashley Dinges is a a meditation teacher and practitioner in the Shambhala Buddhist lineage and is a student of Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche and Ani Pema Chödrön. She is based in Brooklyn, NYC and is an award-winning marketing and communications executive. Ashley currently serves as the Director of Marketing and Sales for GFour Productions, a Tony Award-winning theatrical producer, and is a co-founder of OVERTURE+ streaming platform. She holds an MBA from the NYU Stern School of Business and co-founded the Weekly Dharma Gathering online platform, where teachers from many lineages explore dharma in relation to issues of race, gender, identity, and living meaningfully in a challenging world.

Recorded Talk: Ashley Dinges (3.24.21)