August 7th, 2019: Jessica Angima
Shame: A Bright Guardian of the World
The Buddha once taught his 7-year-old son Rahula to examine his actions, as he would his face in a mirror, to make sure that he harmed no one—neither himself nor anyone else. It's easy to judge the actions of others, but what happens when we look in the mirror and can't quite sit with what we see reflected back? We have all felt shame to a varying degree in our lives. And while these moments can be some of the most difficult we experience, they can also serve as important teachers on the path toward liberation and living mindfully. In this guided online meditation and talk, we will explore what it means to work with the powerful emotion of shame and more healthily restore balance as we negotiate personal challenges.
The cost for this talk is $10 for the General Public and $20 for Patrons who wish to pay-it-forward. We ask that Groups and Meditation Centers to please pay within the $40-$60 range.
Because we are committed to making this talk accessible to all, there is also a 25% discount option. To request this discount or a further scholarship, write to [email protected].
7:00pm ET - Welcome & guided meditation
7:25pm ET - Dharma talk
7:55pm ET - Q&A with teacher
8:10pm ET - Announcements
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+ A link to view the event live
+ Access to view the archived video after the live event concludes
Jessica Angima is a first-generation Kenyan American cultural producer and healing artist, working in the modality of meditation. In a constant state of process, she facilitates intimate community through the exploration of art, justice and contemplative practice.
August 7th, 2019: Jessica Angima
Shame: A Bright Guardian of the World
The Buddha once taught his 7-year-old son Rahula to examine his actions, as he would his face in a mirror, to make sure that he harmed no one—neither himself nor anyone else. It's easy to judge the actions of others, but what happens when we look in the mirr...